Fees and funding

Information and advice about course fees and a guide to budgeting for your living costs, as well as sources for financial assistance including hardship funding, scholarships, prizes and awards.

Fees and funding image

Page content

Tuition Fees

Tuition fee costs

Find out how much your tuition fees will cost.

View all tuition fee costs

Tuition payments and deposits

Tuition fees payment methods and terms.

Payment of Fees and Deposits

Tuition discounts

Learn more about our discounts including the Alumni Discount and the Upfront Payment Discount.

View Tuition Fees Discounts

Tuition Fee Payment Scams

Tuition fee payment scams are on the rise with scammers taking advantage of new students. Learn how to recognise, avoid and protect yourself.


Funding your studies image

Funding your studies

Whether coming to university for the first time, or returning for further study, check out the funding available for both undergraduate and postgraduate study.

View Funding your studies

Student Finance Funding Queries image

Student Finance Funding Queries

Learn how you can deal with any delays in receiving your student funding, change your course details or mode of attendance.

View Funding Guidance

Scholarships and Bursaries

Scholarships and Prizes image

Scholarships and Prizes

Scholarships can support your studies at Ulster University.

View Scholarships and Prizes

Bursaries image


Check to see if you automatically qualify for one of our Bursaries.

View Bursaries

Student Support

Student Support image

Student Support

More on Student support teams

Financial Hardship Fund image

Financial Hardship Fund

If you are experiencing financial hardship, check if you’re eligible to apply to our financial hardship fund.

More on Financial Hardship Fund

Budgeting and Money Management image

Budgeting and Money Management

Find out more about steps to take to manage your money, living away from home, and minding your mental health.

More on budgeting advice

Related forms

Tuition fee refund application form

Complete if you are eligible for a tuition fee refund.

Staff tuition fee exemption form

For Ulster University staff on an approved programme of study applying for fee exemption.

Finance contacts

Finance contacts

Useful contacts within Finance.

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Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

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Life and Health Sciences

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Ulster University Business School

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