Investing in Canada

Canada is recognized as the best country in the G20 to do business. For more than a decade, we’ve led all G7 countries in economic growth. What’s more, investors benefit from:

Priority access to global markets

If you’re an EU company operating in Canada, CETA offers you guaranteed preferential market access to both the EU and North American markets. Unlike the other top destinations for EU investment in the Americas, such as the United States, Mexico, and Brazil, only Canada has investment treaties in place with all 27 EU member states.

Enhanced investor protection

If you’re an investor from the EU, CETA provides greater certainty, transparency and protection for your investments. CETA’s Investment Chapter offers important guarantees to EU investors in Canada. Some of its core protections include:

Note: Most provisions of CETA’s Investment Chapter will only enter into force when CETA is ratified by all EU member states.

Lower investment restrictions

CETA was designed to encourage investment by limiting market access restrictions on investors. Under CETA, the net benefit review threshold under the Investment Canada Act has been raised from Can$600 million to Can$1.5 billion.

Non-discriminatory treatment

CETA ensures Canada and EU investors receive fair and non-discriminatory treatment. Canada and the EU must provide each other’s investors with treatment no less favourable than they provide to their own investors and any third country investor in like situations.

Learn more from Invest in Canada

Why invest in Canada?

Discover Canada’s strengths: global market access, high-quality talent, low costs and reduced risk.

Industries in Canada

Learn about key industries in Canada, including our strengths and incentives for investors.

Locations for investment

Explore Canada’s provinces, territories and cities to find the best location for your investment.