Application of sustainable development in tanzania

The United Republic of Tanzania (Tanzania), comprising the Mainland and Zanzibar, embraces the achievement of high quality and sustainable human development for her citizens. This is engraved in the country’s Constitution and in her long-term development visions. There is a strong nation-wide partnership and commitment to implementation, monitoring, tracking and reporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), backed by a strong political will, collective ownership, integrated planning, and supportive legal frameworks. A “whole-of-society” approach has been adopted, and a robust national SDGs coordination and monitoring framework, supported by national statistical offices is being developed.

SDGs have been integrated into and are implemented through national medium-term plans, namely, the National Five-Year Development Plan 2016/17 - 2020/21 in the Mainland and the Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty 2016-2020, which also adheres to the three dimensions of sustainable development (economic, social and environment). Tanzania is doing reasonably well in goals 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 16. Goals 7, 9, 11, 12 are likely to be achieved with stepped-up efforts. Goals 1, 13, 14, 15 17 will need significant local efforts and international support to achieve.

Assessment of thematic goals shows that in delivering qualityeducation, strong partnerships among the Government, non-state actors, and development partners exist. Primary level schooling is universal. Budgetary allocation for quality education delivery, especially training of teachers, has been increased. These efforts have facilitated a rapid expansion in enrolment at all levels of education and quality delivery.

Regarding decent work and economic growth, sustained real high GDP growth at 6.7% is facilitating decent jobs and sustainable income creation, with average labour force participation rate at 83%. Innovative employment creation initiatives targeting entrepreneurship skills development, apprenticeship and technology and business incubator programmes, have been established. Efforts aimed at reducing inequalities include implementation of a strong productive social safety net programme. Increased access to mobile phones and rural electrification has promoted financial and economic inclusion among the rural population. Local government authorities (LGAs) are allocating 10% of their revenues for youth and women empowerment. Private sector programmes have enhanced women entrepreneurship skills, thus reducing gender-related income inequalities.

Progress of Thematic Goals at a Glance

Climate action interventions include setting up national carbon monitoring centres, and monitoring environmental outcomes, -including strengthening weather, climate and hydrological monitoring capabilities. Civil society organisations (CSOs) have been active in reaching smallholder farmers, pastoralists and fishermen, increasing their capacity to make informed decisions in response to climate change. Efforts to promote peace, justice and strong institutions include strengthening legal institutions and law enforcement, as well as promotion of effective governance and rule of law. These have resulted into considerable reduction in corruption and promotion of peace and justice, thereby making Tanzania an important peace negotiator and peace maker in the region.

In terms of partnerships for the goals, reforms on the business environment and investment climate have expanded the scope for improving financing mechanisms, and opened innovative means of resource mobilisation. The main challenges in implementing SDGs revolve around data constrains for some indicators and insufficient technical and
financial resources to tackle all hurdles that inhibit the implementation of SDGs. Solving these challenges entails: forging new partnerships for mobilising innovative sources of financing; capacity building in resource mobilisation and data management; strengthening national statistical capacity; and support for building appropriate technological capability (diffusion of new technologies, linking generators of innovations and users and providing technology-based equipment for reporting on the environment).

Preparation of this Voluntary National Review Report was inclusive and participatory, involving LGAs, members of Parliament and House of Representatives, Judiciary, CSOs, non-government organisations (NGOs), the private sector, development partners, academia, professional groups, labour associations, women and youth networks and the media. This reflects the participatory nature, strong partnerships and stakeholder commitments that underpin the implementation of national and global development goals.


United Republic of Tanzania was part of the 2019 Voluntary National Review of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development